Corporate Governance

Our guidelines and ethical standards are established to promote skill enhancement and equitable competition.

Our Sense of Accountability

Energterra places great importance on responsible corporate governance, which is reflected in our adherence to the South Korean Corporate Governance Code and Articles of Incorporation. We have consistently met this commitment since our establishment and have complied with all recommendations of the South Korean Corporate Governance Code. We have documented this compliance through annual declarations and have expressed our intention to fully comply with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code in the future.

Corporate governance involves the entire system of managing and supervising a company, and at Energterra, both the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board are dedicated to responsible and transparent management and supervision to enhance long-term value. To fulfil their responsibilities, the Supervisory Board has established four committees – the Audit Committee, Human Resources Committee, Nominations Committee, and Innovation Committee. These committees have specific tasks in accordance with the South Korean Corporate Governance Code.


Functions and Activities of the Board of Management

The Board of Management autonomously oversees the company to consistently enhance the enterprise value and attain specific corporate objectives. The Board of Management carries out its duties in compliance with legal regulations, the Articles of Incorporation, and the Board's procedural guidelines, collaborating with other governance bodies within the company in a cooperative and trustworthy manner.


Control Functions of the Supervisory Board

Energterra has a 15-member Supervisory Board that plays a crucial role in overseeing and advising the Board of Management. The Supervisory Board is responsible for ensuring that the company's strategies, policies, and decisions align with its long-term goals. Energterra is committed to promoting gender balance in its management roles and has set both voluntary and statutory targets to actively pursue this objective. The company recognizes the importance of having a diverse and inclusive workforce, which is essential for driving innovation and creating value for all stakeholders. Energterra believes that gender diversity in leadership positions can bring a fresh perspective and help foster a culture of empowerment and collaboration.

Systematic Risk Management

The company's established control system allows for the early identification of any business or financial risks, enabling prompt action to be taken to mitigate them. This system is specifically crafted to guarantee timely monitoring of risks, accurate accounting of all business transactions, and the constant availability of dependable data regarding the company's financial standing.


Corporate Compliance Program

The company takes pride in conducting corporate activities with the utmost responsibility and compliance with national and local laws. We ensure that Energterra and its employees adhere to statutory and regulatory requirements in every country where we operate. This commitment is at the core of our business operations.


Comprehensive Reporting

In order to foster transparency and keep all stakeholders up-to-date, we make it a priority to share regular and timely information regarding the company's position and significant changes in business activities. This includes providing relevant updates to stockholders, financial analysts, stockholders' associations, the media, and the general public. Our aim is to ensure that everyone has access to the most current and accurate information possible.

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